Friday, April 9, 2010

PI III Kelt Family Generation

Hahahaha.. oke... kali ini aku mau cerita tentang PI III... hampir setaunlah aku di Kelt Jemursari Surabaya.. dan semua yang di situ sudah seperti Keluarga.. dari Mbak Nova dkk yg bertanggungjawab di meja resepsionis, sampek Sister - Sister ku.. (yang terbentuk sejak PI I) :

Inge, Mephin, Mia (Window aka Widow), Indira (Indirow), Jov, Sharon, Ursula
dan juga Teol, Hanis serta Khalis (walaupun mereka gak naik ke PI III, mereka tetep OUR SISTERS!:D)

lalu OUR Brothers :
Denise, Andre and Niko... plus : Stef (pas PI II dia gak ikut Kelt buat sementara... jd kita gak sekelas lagi.. tp he's STILL OUR Brother)

Sebenarnya, we are a family since in PI I. 

Ana yg saat itu ngajar kelas kita, dinobatkan jadi Our Mommy… and ‘her husband’ or… Our Daddy is Mr. GBW (Giles Benjamin Wood) hahahha… and our biologist daddy is Mr. Chilly (Ana’s real boyfriend – in Lombok). Hehehe… And… the other teachers, automatically become our Uncle and Aunty (Uncle Alex, Uncle Dan K, Aunty Carly, Aunty Lyne, and our new Aunty this term,… Aunty Charlie) as for Jezz, he’s our Grandpa and Peter, our Great – Grandpa… hohho.. sshhh… :P

Dan… kemarin (Kamis, 8 April 2010), sekali lagi the girls and I membuat ulah.. okee.. ku akui.. dari dulu kita mmg kelas TERAME se – Kelt Jemursari! (Bahkan saat diajari Peter pun kita sempet-sempetnya guyooonn! Gileee..)

Oke.. kemarin malem, saat les... seperti biasanya, kita rame… aku dtg telat malam itu krn harus nunggu adikku pulang sekolah. Dia pulang jam 4.45 sedangkan aku masuk jam 5 sore.. dan perjalanan 30 menit dr rumah.. Alhasil, aku telat 15 menit! Masuk – masuk, my sisters went, “ehem..ehem..ehemm…” Aku gak ngerti maksudnya apa… baru ngerti bbrp menit kemudian, kalo mereka saling memintaku untuk masuk ke kelompok,..
Kelompok I : Indira, Mea, Mephin
Kelompok II : Inge, Jov, Sharon
..dan kelompok III : of course… the boys… Denise, Andre, Niko
 (Ursula’s absent…. And there’s no more Khalis, Hanis and Teol (The Princess)

Okeee… aku bingung harus ke mana… ke kelompok Indira yg super gila (insane!) atau ke kelompok Inge yang agak sedikit waras … Maunya ke situ, tapi aku gak tahan liat muka melas Indira.. (hohohohohho…!) akhirnya… which group would I like to chooossseee…  and… tadaaa… ternyata aku berjodoh dengan kelompoknya Indira… -,-‘’ sepertinya The Insanity Group mmg insane!

Ya… seperti biasanya… kita ngerjain Uncle Dan K… dengan memberi kata – kata adjektiv yg gilaaa… dan negative abis!

Kelompok Inge : voluptuous, affordable, close – knit, chilly, marvelous.. and all the high – class adjectives…
Kelompok Denise : applauding, sarcastic, snobbish and bla bla.. blaa… all the high – class words…
Kelompok Indira (Mine) ; sexyyy, insane, starving (well… that’s one okay), distant, blablabla…. The most I remember is SEXYY!! I can’t believe the girls wrote that down… hahahaha… Dan K was speechless… totally! But because it’s all adjectives, he couldn’t say wrong, of course…

Okee… that’s the adjective part… next part: Quality of a Good Friend… hahahaha…
Guess what we put:
RICH, GOOD – LOOKING, FAMOUS, HONEST (that’s a positive one), FUN (it’s okay), LOYAL, 
 TRUSTABLE, CRAZY! (just like uss… insane…insanity!)

Lalu tiba – tiba …
Mephin : “Dan, what’s your eye colour?” (sumpahh gak penting!) tapi gara – gara dia Tanya, kita jadi menatap matanya Dan semua…
Dan: “I don’t know… blue… definitely not brown!”
Me: “No… I think it’s light grey!”
Mephin: “No..! Hazel!”
Indira: “No…! Hazel is brown! It’s greennn..!”
Mea: “It’s greeenn!”
Me: “No! It’s greyy!! Look!!”
Mephin: “How about your eye lashes??”
Indira: “Of course it’s the same as his hair colour!!” (blonde)
Inge: “Yeah…”
Dan : “Why is it important anyway,,,?”
Mephin: “I want a brown eyelashes for my birthday!!”
Mea: “Close your eyes.. I’ll colour it!”
(insanity! And the eyes and the eyelashes thing definitely is out of the topic we’re studying!)

Setelah itu, setelah menyelesaikan beberapa pekerjaan serius lain, tiba – tiba 
Dan K bilang… “Elvira… you should check in the internet… Elvira is a famous person name…” (red: Mephin’s real name is Elvira)
So… Indira langsung mengeluarkan BB-nya dan mencari di GOOGLE : Elvira dan ternyata apa…. Seorang wanita sekseehh… nggilaniii!! Dan seluruh kelas pun gempar… ngakak… apalagi waktu Dan K blg, “That girl usually shows up on TV with a snake around her…” SNAKE!! Hahahaha… pastinya… aku langsung igt Erweenn! WANITA DAN ULAR = ERWEENN!! :P

Gara – gara ‘Elvira’ kita jadi ngomongin ttg BITCH, PSK, ‘SLOTHY’ WITCH… (of course, gara – gara Denise tanya – tanya juga!)
Dan : “I think you guys got it wrong about BITCH. It’s not like the sex lady like that… It’s only for a woman who is a pain in the ass... It doesn’t mean like prostitution…”
Denise : “Then what’s the different with SLOTHY?”
Dan : “Slothy is a person who has more sexual partners than it is normal for others,”
(Slothy: org yg punya partner seksual yg lebih dari normal dr biasanya)
Indira : “So it’s not like prostitutes?”
Dan: “No… But has many that’s all” (dengan mimic muka yg aneh!)
Again… we laugh…

And at the end of the class... setelah papan tulis bersih di hapuss… kita pun harus mengembalikan marker yg kita pinjam tadi… tanpa sengaja, aku tercampur antara markernya Dan K dan markernya Mephin… lalu, 

“Hey, that’s mine, Dan!” Mephin meminta haknya.
“Nope! It’s mine now.. Haa.. SUCKER!
Spontantly, we all laugh! Hahahaha… Malem itu, giliran Dan yg ngerjain Mephin! Setelah capek dikerjain kita pada hari Selasa! :P
Belum lagi waktu di koridor, Mephin salah ngomong.. dari Slothy Witch… menjadi SALTY WITCH! Hehehehehe… Mephin… Mephin… Adaaa ajaaaaa……. :)

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